Table 2.
Cytokinin | Conc. (μM) | Explant responsea (%) | No. of shoots/explanta | Mean shoot lengtha (cm) |
Control | 0.0 | 0.00g | 0.00i | 0.00i |
2-iP | 0.5 | 4.5f | 1.43hi | 1.50cde |
1.0 | 43.2de | 4.58fg | 2.25bc | |
2.5 | 63.5bc | 20.11c | 5.83a | |
5.0 | 93.3a | 35.71a | 5.96a | |
10.0 | 73.5bc | 3.53gh | 1.47cde | |
15.0 | 33.3e | 0.94i | 1.33cde | |
BA | 0.5 | 1.2fg | 1.72hi | 1.05de |
1.0 | 33.3e | 5.99ef | 2.65b | |
2.5 | 43.3de | 7.75e | 1.96bcd | |
5.0 | 56.7cd | 10.66d | 1.42cde | |
10.0 | 76.8b | 23.26b | 0.92e | |
15.0 | 63.5c | 12.66d | 0.70ef | |
Treatment Df (n-1) | 12 | 37.43*** | 220.60*** | 37.22*** |
Auxin type(T) Df (n-1) | 1 | 5.20 | 2.69 | 80.391*** |
Auxin conc.(C) Df (n-1) | 5 | 50.60*** | 206.374*** | 34.780*** |
T X C Df (n-1) | 11 | 26.79*** | 204.923*** | 33.074*** |
aMeans with in a column followed by same letters are not significantly different as determined by DNMRT (P < 0.05). ***significant at P < 0.001 level