Figure 3.
Comparison of partial sequence alignments of the gamma subunit of F1F0-type ATPase (Tph_c27380) of Th. phaeum with those of other bacteria. The following sequence accession numbers in the NCBI protein database were used: Escherichia coli P68699, Vibrio cholerae AAF95908, Vibrio parahaemolyticus P0A308, Bacillus subtilis P37815, C1 subunit Acetobacterium woodii (AFA47025.1), C3 subunit Acetobacterium woodii (AFA47026.1), Synechococcus elongatus (YP_399351), Propionigenium modestum (P21905), Ilyobacter tartaricus (Q8KRV3). Red arrow mark the position of the conserved amino acids involved in sodium binding. T. phaeum differs at Position 77 (phenylalanine) and 80 (alanine).