Table 1.
Buprenorphine (n = 52) | Methadone (n = 52) | Group comparisonsa | |
Age (M ± SD) |
31 ± 7 |
35 ± 8 |
BN < M, p = .007** |
Sex, female/male |
18/34 |
20/32 |
p =.84 |
35%/65% |
38%/62% |
Verbal intelligenceb (M ± SD) |
100 ± 10 |
101 ± 10 |
p =.44 |
Education, patients with primary education/any secondary education |
35/17 |
34/18 |
p =1.00 |
67%/33% |
65%/35% |
Substance abuse onset age, years (M ± SD) |
16 ± 3 |
15 ± 2 |
p = .17 |
Patients with early onset of substance abusec |
15 |
23 |
p =.31 |
29% |
44% |
Duration of OST, months (M ± SD) |
14 ± 7 |
17 ± 10 |
p = .08 |
Patients with more than 12 month in OST |
30 |
33 |
p = .69 |
57% |
63% |
Number of cognitive testing |
patients with one testing |
34 (65%) |
40 (77%) |
p =.28 |
patients with two or three testing |
18 (35%) |
12 (23%) |
Patients with high-frequency substance abuse in the previous monthd |
18 |
22 |
p =.55 |
35% |
42% |
Patients with positive drug screen at test |
13 |
13 |
p = 1.00 |
25% |
25% |
Patients with the past month daily nicotine use | 52 |
51% |
p =.50 |
100% | 98% |
Note. BN = buprenorphine patients, M = methadone patients.
aTested with t-test or Fisher’s Exact Test.
bEstimation based on the vocabulary subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – Revised (WAIS-R) [30].
cConsidered as early up to 14 years of age.
dConsidered as high when three or more days a week. Alcohol use was taken into account if it was at least mean weekly 16 portions (12 g) for females and 24 portions for males or binge drinking occurred on any day.
**p < 0.01.