Figure 3. Detection of LacZ and Nolz-1 co-expressing cells in spinal cord of UREA-LacZ embryos.
A–D: Adjacent transverse sections of E14.5 spinal cord of line #22 UREA-LacZ embryos at the lumbar level. Expression patterns of β-gal protein (A) and LacZ mRNA (B) are similarly except that, in addition to soma, β-gal immunoreactivity is present in neurites, which results in broad expression pattern (A). Expression of Nolz-1 at mRNA (C) and protein (D) levels are consistently detected in selective domains of spinal cord, including in the ventricular zone (vz) of dorsal and ventral spinal cord and medial and lateral regions of the ventral spinal cord where LacZ gene (B) is also expressed. A LacZ and Nolz-1-negative domain is present in the ventrolateral part of spinal cord (see # in B–D). E–G: Double labeling of LacZ mRNA and Nolz-1 protein identifies many co-expressing cells (red arrows) in the ventricular zone (F) and in the medial and lateral domains of basal plate of spinal cord (G ). The boxed regions in E are shown at high magnification in F and G.