Figure 7.
Test pollinations for evaluation of SLG and SRK transgenic plants by seed formation. Line S60 was used as the recipient of the transgene and line S28S60 was used as the pollen tester. In this case, the S phenotype of all pollen was S28 because S28 is dominant over S60. The phenotype of transformants carrying SLG28 was coincident to that of the non-transformant recipient plant, that is S60. In contrast, the seed formation of transformants having SRK28 decreased compared to that of transformants having SLG28 and recipient S60 line. After genetic crossing of the two transformants, which carried SLG28 and SRK28 transgenes, the F1 plant showed a rigid SI phenotype, like the S60S28 heterozygote. SI phenotype was assessed by the number of seeds formed per pod.