Figure 1. pBHt2 encodes a T-DNA element which can be used for transformation of Histoplasma yeast.
(A) Schematic of plasmid pBHt2 that carries a T-DNA element with left border (LB) and right border (RB) sequences flanking the hygromycin phosphotransferase gene (hph). The aminoglycoside phosphotransferase gene (aph) carried on the plasmid backbone provides for selection in Agrobacterium. Arrows denote primer locations used to screen for backbone carryover. (B) Representative PCR-based screen for plasmid backbone carryover in transformed Histoplasma lines. Genomic DNA was prepared from individual lines and screened by PCR for the presence of the aph gene to indicate the T-DNA plasmid backbone and the Histoplasma MFS1 gene to indicate Histoplasma genomic DNA. Image shows screening results for transformant lines 138-144 with wild type (G217B) DNA and purified pBHt2 DNA as controls.