Figure 1.
Nicotine bath application to PFC slices of adolescent rats strongly reduces tLTP. a, Biocytin-filled layer V pyramidal cell in rat PFC; the position of the recording and stimulating electrodes is schematically shown. Membrane potential in response to current injections is shown above. Calibration: 20 mV, 100 ms. Examples of STDP in a control cell (b), showing LTP, and in a cell in which nicotine was bath applied (c), showing LTD. Here and further, the open circles represent individual EPSP slopes; the filled circles show an average of five EPSPs. Duration of nicotine application is indicated by the red bar; the insets above show example EPSP traces (calibration here and further: 2 mV, 20 ms) and the induction protocol with an AP trace (calibration here and further: 20 mV, 20 ms). d, Average STDP in control cells (black circles; n = 7 cells from 4 rats) and cells in which nicotine was bath applied (red circles; n = 6 cells from 3 rats); data points represent bins of five EPSPs. e, Summary of STDP results shown in d; the filled circles represent average EPSP slopes within a 10 min window 35–45 min after pairing; the open circles show individual experiments. *p < 0.05. Data are mean ± SEM.