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. 2010 Oct 6;13(3):134–141. doi: 10.1016/j.jus.2010.09.001

Table 1.

Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients.

Overall study population Patients without musculoskeletal complications Patients with musculoskeletal complications p value (statistic test)
Number of subjects (%) 163 79 (48.4%) 84 (51.5%) ns (Chi-squared)
Disease: stroke/severe brain injury 120/43 58/21 62/22
Female/Male (n) 70/93 26/53 44/40 p = 0.0173 (Fisher)
Mean age (range; SD) 71.3 (23–93; 13.5) 73.9 (23–88; 11) 69 (26–93; 15.2) p = 0.032 (Mann–Whitney)
Days from acute event at admission 25.5 23.7 27.4 ns (Mann–Whitney)
Length of stay (range; SD) 32.5(15–120; 19.7) 30.4(15–120; 20.4) 34.5(18–90; 19) p = 0.0024 (Mann–Whitney)
Serum urate mg/dL [nv 2.6–7] (SD) 4.5 (1.9) 4.6 (1.9) 4.5 (1.9) ns (Mann–Whitney)
Alkaline phosphatase (nv values 40–129 mg/dL for female, 35–104 mg/dL for male) 92.6 (39.6) 96.6 (49) 89 (29.1) ns (Mann–Whitney)
Hemoglobine g/dL (nv 11.7–16 g/dL for females, 13.2–17.3 g/dL for males) 12.4 (1.4) 12.8 (1.3) 12.1 (1.4) p = 0.0204 (Mann–Whitney)
ESR mm/hour [nv 2–25] (SD) 42.2 (27.2) 33.4 (25) 49.8 (27) p = 0.0014 (Mann–Whitney)
CRP mg/dL[nv<0.5] (SD) 3.3 (5.7) 3 (5.3) 3.6 (6) ns (Mann–Whitney)

Type of recent stroke
• Ischemic 102 (85%) 52 (50.9%) 50 (49%) ns (Fisher)
• Hemorrhagic 18 (15%) 6 (33.3%) 12 (66.6%)

Type of severe brain injury:
• Traumatic head injury 13 (30.2%) 3 10 p = 0.0452 (Fisher)
• Post-hypoxic encephalopathy 8 (18.6%) 4 4 ns (Fisher)
• Subarachnoid hemorrage 10 (23.2%) 7 3 ns (Fisher)
• Subdural hemorrage 4 (2.3%) 1 3 ns (Fisher)
• Intracerebral hemorrage 8 (18.6%) 6 2 ns (Fisher)

FIM (range; SD)
• at admission 39.9(18–89; 19.8) 41.9(18–85; 20.8) 38.1(18–89; 18.7) ns (Mann-Whitney)
• at discharge 54.6(18–101; 24) 58.6(18–101; 25.9) 50.9(18–95; 21.6) p < 0.048 (Mann–Whitney)

Katz index (range; SD)
• at admission 19(10–65; 13.7) 20.8(10–65; 14.9) 17.4(10–55;12.5) ns (Mann-Whitney)
• at discharge 33.4(10–75; 19.7) 37.6(10–35; 20.9) 29.8(10–30; 17.9) p < 0.0294 (Mann-Whitney)

CRP, C-reactive protein. ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate. FIM, Functional Independence Measurement. ns, not significant. SD, Standard Deviation.