Figure 3.
SDR remotely controls growth of peripheral tissue. (A) Wing area, cell size, and cell number were analyzed in SDR mutants and overexpressing flies. Tub-Gal4 was used for SDR knockdown and overexpression. (B) Adult body weight and wing area were analyzed in SDR overexpression flies with the indicated driver. All of the values are the mean and SD (n > 10 wings [A], n > 4 batches, or n > 10 wings [B]). (*) P < 0.05; (**) P < 0.01. (C) SDR protein levels in the hemolymph were analyzed in SDR-overexpressing wandering larvae. The same membrane was exposed for a long time (long exp.) and a short time (short exp.) because of the highly enhanced expression of SDR by the Gal4/UAS system.