Fig. 3.
Elucidation of protein clusters enriched with Rho family GAP SH3 domains after in vivo phototrapping. (A) Hierarchical clustering of MS-identified SH3 domain–associated proteins. Hierarchical clustering analysis was performed with unbiased Pearson correlation of the mean normalized spectral counts for the Rho family GAP SH3 domains listed in Fig. 2. Protein clusters designated with blue bars contain proteins that predominantly associated with individual SH3 domains. The degree of correlation in each cluster is shown. (B) Protein cluster with a predominant specificity for the ARHGAP26 SH3 domain. Proteins that have relatively high spectral counts or have been implicated in cytoskeletal regulation are exhibited. This protein cluster contains two proteins (PTK2 and PKN3 in orange) known to interact with ARHGAP26 in an SH3 domain–dependent manner.