The helicity of TMD7 is disturbed in the N111G-AT1 receptor. A, the final frame of the 84-ns MD simulations of the N111G-AT1 receptor (colored) shows that the helicity of TMD7 (red) is locally disturbed between residues I290 and F293 (pink section shown within circled area). The final frame of the 84-ns simulation of the AT1 receptor (gray) is superimposed for comparison. B, the zoomed-in view of the circled area of TMD7 shows the increased distance between the Cα atoms of C2897.40 and N2947.45 (shown as spheres). The blue and yellow dashed lines represent the measured distances between residues C2897.40 and N2947.45 in the AT1 receptor and N111G-AT1 receptor, respectively. C, distance between the α-carbon of residues C2897.40 and N2947.45. Data are the mean ± S.D. (error bars) of 2100 frames from each 84-ns MD trajectory. *, significantly different (p < 0.01).