(A) Representative paired recordings between a SOM interneuron and a PC (left) or a SOM interneuron and a FS cell (right). Single action potentials in the SOM interneuron elicited IPSCs in the PC (top left; red, average of 10) or the FS interneuron (top right; red, average of 10). Note that the amplitude of the unitary IPSC in the PC is larger than the IPSC in the FS interneuron. (B) Representative triple recordings between a SOM interneuron and a PC and a FS interneuron. Single action potentials in the SOM neuron induced IPSCs in both the PC (middle; red, average of 10) and the FS neuron (top; red, average of 10). Note that the same SOM interneuron produced a unitary IPSC of larger amplitude in the PC. (C) Population results showing that SOM INs produced a significantly larger IPSG in PCs than in FS INs. Data from triple recordings are connected by a line. Open symbols represent IPSGs of individual neurons, and filled symbols represent the mean IPSGs. Error bars indicate s.e.m. The difference of the IPSG in FS INs and PCs was significant (** p < 0.01, two sample t test). Schematics in A and B illustrate recording configurations. See also Figure S4.