Figure 2.
1H-15N IPAP-HSQC17 spectra for 150 μM uniformly 13C and 15N labeled GlnBP in 200 mM tris, 200 mM NaCl, pH 7.5 buffer condition. JNH splittings are shown for the isotropic sample (A). (J+D)NH splittings are obtained from the 13 mg ml−1 collagen gel (B). Spectra containing the upfield and downfield 15N-{1H} doublet components of the 1H-15N IPAP-HSQC spectra are superimposed. Measurements were conducted on a Bruker 600 MHz DMX NMR spectrometer at 37 °C. Correlation between measured 15N-1H RDCs of GlnBP in 1.4 mg ml−1 (C) and 13 mg ml−1 (D) collagen gel and couplings calculated on the basis of 1.94 Å X-ray crystal structure of GlnBP.13 Uncertainties in the measured dipolar couplings are (C) 0.4 Hz and (D) 0.6 Hz, the correlation r –factor between the measured and calculated is (C) 0.796 and (D) 0.981.