IAA Metabolism Is Elevated after Glc Treatment.
IAA, TRP, ANT, and oxIAA concentrations increase after Glc treatment in a concentration-dependent manner. Before treatment, the seedlings were pretreated for 5 h in liquid medium.
(A) Time-series analysis of the levels of each compound. Dotted line connects data points with no Glc treatment, and the unconnected data point shows the metabolite concentration after 15 h of treatment with 5% Glc. Arrowhead at the horizontal axis indicates the start of the Glc treatment.
(B) Levels of each compound after 15 h of treatment with varying amounts of exogenous Glc. A one-way analysis of variance was used to compare the treatments. Error bars indicate sd (n = 3 or 4). Bars not connected with a letter indicate a statistical difference at 95% confidence level. FW, fresh weight.