Figure 4.
DFPM-Induced Signal Transduction Requires Pathogen Signaling Components.
(A) Chemical signaling by VICTRCol is dependent on EDS1 and PAD4; thus, eds1-2 and pad4-1 mutants were insensitive to DFPM, in contrast with eds5-1 and 35S:nahG. The black horizontal bars mark the starting position of roots when DFPM was applied. Error bars show ± sd (n = 3 with 10 plants each).
(B) VICTR functions in DFPM inhibition of ABA-induced stomatal closure. Guard cells of victr-1 and victr-2 mutants remained sensitive to ABA even in the presence of DFPM. n = 3 experiments with 42 to 50 stomata analyzed per condition. Error bars are se. *P < 0.01.
[See online article for color version of this figure.]