The DFPM-Induced Signal Transduction Relies on HSP90 and Its Cochaperones but Does Not Require SAG101, SA, and JA Signaling Components.
(A) Chemical signaling by VICTRCol requires functional HSP90 cochaperones RAR1 and SGT1B.
(B) The DFPM signal was blocked by applying additional 5 μM of the HSP90 inhibitor GDA.
(C) Other signaling and response components known to function in pathogen, SA, and JA signal transduction or other NB-LRR genes are not required for the VICTR phenotype. All mutants were tested in Col-0 background. Error bars mean ± sd. Note, some error bars are not visible due to very small sd (n = 3 with 10 plants each).
[See online article for color version of this figure.]