hfSCs after BMP inhibition in vivo switch from quiescence to activation and acquire molecular characteristics resembling the HG. (A–B and C–D) At P59, in CONRU HFs, strong P-cadherin staining was restricted to the HG and did not overlap with YFP+ cells in the bulge (arrows). In the bulge of cKORU HFs, P-cadherin staining was expanded and increased with overlapping expression observed by YFP+ cells in both the HG and the bulge (arrows). (I–J and G–H) At P62 in the bulge of cKORU, elevated P-cadherin correlated with YFP activation (arrows), whereas, in the CONRU bulge, P-cadherin staining was absent. (E–F and K–L) At P59 and P62, FACS analysis confirmed increased P-cadherin staining in YFP+ cKORU hfSCs compared with CONRU, respectively. (M) Changes in the pool of HG signature genes in cKORU hfSCs were either up-regulated (red type) or down-regulated (green type). Only three genes characterized in cKORU hfSCs were inversely regulated, namely BMP6, NFATc1, and Col20α1 (marked in blue). (Scale bars: 50 µm.)