Fig. 3.
Electrostatic potential surface around putative RBS of different HAs. Electrostatic surface potentials were calculated using the APBS program (28). Negatively charged regions are red, positively charged regions are blue, and neutral regions are white (−10–10 KbT/ec potential range). The coordinates used in this figure are as follows. Group 1 HAs: H17, GU10-060 HA2-47G HA; H1 (PDB ID code 3UBQ), H2 (PDB ID code 3KU6), H5 (PDB ID code 2FK0), and H9 (PDB ID code 1JSD). Group 2 HAs: H3 (PDB ID code 2HMG), H7 (PDB ID code 1TI8), and H14 (PDB ID code 3EYJ), as well as influenza B HA (PDB ID code 3BT6). The putative RBS of the H17 HA is unusual in its strong negative charge.