Figure 11. Non-competitive sink-driven model on tissue grid with hexagonal cells.
In all three cases the sink is perfect and in the centre of the tissue. The walls have an area of one µm 2 and the cells a volume of 2.60 µm 3 : (A,B) The simulation is run with the same auxin-related parameters as on the square grid (figures 8,9). The PIN distribution is initially canalized, but with considerable multi-neighbour behaviour away from the centre. The cells in (B) are suppressed to show the PIN distribution more clearly. These pictures do not represent the final state of the simulation. We stopped it here because edge effects disturb the distribution in a way not relevant to the present discussion. (C) The auxin-related parameters α, β have been altered to compensate for the larger cell volumes. The resulting PIN distribution is highly analogous to 9B.