FIG. 2.
Effect of storage temperature for up to 1 year on viable cell numbers of ELS at 24 h in postwarming cultures. ELS were thawed and viable cell numbers measured at 24 h postwarming. Viable cell numbers of ELS stored either at −170°C (dark bars) or at −80°C (light bars) were quantified using nuclei count. For the −80°C stored samples, there was a clear progression in the loss of viability with time, with each later time point presenting a lower viable cell number than the previous times points (except at 9 and 12 months, where the viable cell numbers were very low, and no statistical difference could be measured between the two values). **p<0.01, ***p<0.005–170°C compared to −80°C at the same time point; aaa p<0.005 cf. 1-month storage at −80°C, b p<0.05 cf. 2 months of storage at −80°C, and p<0.005 cf. 1-month storage at −80°C, ccc p<0.005 cf. 1 and 2 months of storage at −80°C, ddd p<0.005 cf. 1,2,3, and 6 months of storage at −80°C.