Figure 4. CD69 expression distinguishes tissue-resident from circulating memory T cell subsets.
(A) Mean frequency (±SEM) of CD69+ T cells gated on CD45RA+ (red bars) and CD45RO+ (blue bars) CD4+ (left) and CD8+ (right) T cells in blood and tissues compiled from 19 donors (donor #’s 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13,14,15, 27, 29, 33, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45; individual frequencies from each tissue of each donor are shown in Table S3, top portion). (B) IL-7 receptor (CD127) is expressed by the majority of CD69+ tissue-resident memory T cells in lymphoid and mucosal sites. Flow cytometry plots show CD127 expression as a function of CD69 expression gated on CD45RO+ CD4+ (upper) or CD8+ (lower) T cells in blood and indicated tissue sites. Results are from Donor 41 and representative of five donors. (C) CCR7 and CD69 expression by CD45RO+ CD4+ (upper row) and CD8+ (lower row) T cells delineates four subsets: circulating central memory (Tcm:CCR7+CD69−), circulating effector-memory (Tem:CCR7−CD69−) cells, resident Tcm (rTcm:CCR7+CD69+) and resident Tem (rTem:CCR7−CD69+) subsets (see leftmost quadrant diagram). Results are from Donor 39 and representative of seven donors.