Lz influences Su(H) recruitment at Notch-responsive enhancers and is required with Notch
in vivo. (A) Lz and GATA motifs are located in proximity to Su(H). Graph showing percentage of detected motifs located within the indicated distance (bp) of the Su(H) motif within Kc ChIP peaks (blue, GATA; green, Lz; grey, Twist). (B) Lz is present at NREs. Fold enrichment of the indicated NRE in α-Lz ChIP relative to the adjacent coding sequence (cds) in Kc cells (dark shading) and after lz RNAi (light shading). (C) Depletion of Lz compromises Su(H) binding. Fold enrichment of the indicated NRE in anti-Su(H) ChIP relative to the cds in Kc cells (dark shading) and after lz RNAi (light shading). (D,E) Effects of Lz depletion on DNase I sensitivity of the indicated regions in klu (D) and of NRE from other genes (E). Chromatin from control and Lz RNAi-treated cells was subjected to digestion with 0, 4 or 12 U of DNase I and the levels of intact DNA quantified by qPCR. Location of klu fragments are indicated in Fig. 3A. (F-H) Peb/Hnt expression in control glands (F, lz >GFP) and in glands where MamDN only (G) or Lz and MamDN (H) were expressed (lz>GFP indicates lz-Gal4 UAS-GFP). Scale bar: 10 μm. Data are mean±s.e.m.