PHYSICIAN-IN-TRAINING (14 sub domains)
Medical knowledge
Excellent knowledge of anatomy and surgical procedures (resident), Good knowledge of my problem (patient), very strong knowledge (physician)
Patient rapport
Established rapport with patients (physician)
Communication with patients - history taking
Very good focused patient histories (physician), Asked questions appropriately due to my condition (patient)
Communication with patients – listening
Paid attention to me and was genuinely listening to my concerns (patient)
Communication with patients – explaining
Explained things very well (patient)
Physical examination
Give more precise directions during physical examination (patient)
Organization of findings: information management
Organized well thought out assessment and plan with each patient (physician), Very organized, good notes (resident), Seemed really organized, was on top of what was going on with patients (peer), learning to be more organized (ward nurse)
Organization of findings: critical thinking
Logical, can reason through problems (physician), Critically thinking regarding plan of care (ward nurse)
Organization of findings: diagnosis & management
Keep developing your own treatment plan (resident)
Organization of findings: written notes
Writing accurate notes (ward nurse), writing notes (resident), more legible writing (peer)
Organization of findings: oral presentation
Focus on summarizing (physician)
Technical Skills: gloving/gowning
Practice gowning and gloving (OR nurse)
Technical Skills: asepsis
Very aware of sterile surroundings (OR nurse)
Technical Skills: procedures
Inserted a catheter with great skill (OR nurse), Practice more bag and ventilation, intubation (physician), Wonderful technical skills (peer), Removing staples (patient)
LEARNER (8 sub domains)
Interest, enthusiasm
Demonstrated a keen interest in surgery (admin), Seemed interested in surgery (physician), Her enthusiasm and energy are an inspiration (peer)
Initiative & self-direction
Prepared early for rounds (peer), Showed initiative to ensure that orders were written appropriately (ward nurse), Appears highly self motivated (physician), Good initiative, came in early for rounds (resident)
Preparation for learning
Excellent preparation for OR and clinics (physician), Always prepared for OR (resident), Always well prepared for learning experiences (peer), He was prepared for surgeries (OR nurse)
Asking questions to learn
Actively looking for opportunities for experience (ward nurse), Keen to learn (peer)
Openness to feedback & self-improvement
Open for suggestion and criticism to do better (OR nurse), Took constructive criticism well and applied accordingly (physician)
Progress & improvement
Experience and practice will enhance her abilities (patient), Will improve appropriately with experience (physician)
Continue to develop assertiveness and confidence (ward nurse), Speaks too soft. May need to work on confidence (physician), Very knowledgeable and confident in his abilities (peer), Sound more confident when you speak (patient)
Career suitability
Excellent student should be encouraged to do surgery (physician), well suited to anesthesia (physician), should do surgical specialty (resident), His personality is greatly suited for being a physician (patient)
WORKING TEAM MEMBER (8 sub domains)
Work ethic
Always stuck around to make sure we had help (OR nurse), Works hard, interested (physician), Hardworking and always able to lend a hand (resident)
Organization/time management
Arrived late for clerkship session (admin), Always prepared with patient information (ward nurse), Very systematic (resident)
Trustworthy, conscientous, reliable (resident), Conscientous and dependable (peer)
Helpful member of the team (resident), Always more than willing to help out (peer), Very willing to help with patient transfer post surgery (OR nurse)
Team communication
Did not respond to page (admin), Conveyed information to all team members in a positive, informative manner (ward nurse), Did not introduce herself (ward nurse), Communicated effectively (resident)
Cooperation & participation
Very cooperative team player (OR nurse), Consistent positive interaction with all health care team members (ward nurse), Went out of her way to help the team (peer), Sometimes seemed focused on personal objectives over team (peer)
Follows instructions
Took suggestions and instructions comfortably (OR nurse),
Take a leadership role as you have the skills to be a great leader (peer)
PERSON (9 sub domains)
Compassionate with patients (ward nurse), Caring, compassionate and involved (resident), Showed care and compassion for the patients he took care of (peer), Feeling for my pain (patient)
Very understanding to patient's needs (ward nurse), Was attentive to patient’s needs (physician), Advocated for patients well (resident), Seemed really interested about me (patient)
Pleasant, polite and cheerful student (admin), Approachable and friendly (OR nurse), Delightful (ward nurse), Pleasant to work with (physician), Very collegial and enjoyable to be around (resident),Easy to work with (peer), Was very friendly which made me feel comfortable (peer)
Respect for others
Treated me with respect (patient), Very diplomatic and respectful of others (peer), Timid and respectful (ward nurse), Very respectful with nurses and surgeon (OR nurse)
Kept things things entertaining, helped lighten our stress (peer), Sense of humor (patient)
Polite and pleasant natured (patient), Aware of appropriate interactions (ward nurse), Was very polite and professional (OR nurse), Very polite and professional (admin)
Handled stressful situations very well (peer)
Common sense
Good common sense (physician)
Honesty & integrity |
Honest and professional (physician), clear and honest (patient) |