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. 2013 Jan 29;8(1):e55367. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0055367

Table 2. Pair-wise comparisons of predictors and interactions of final models based on stepwise model selections (see Table 1).

Variable Subset Coefficients (Reference level) Estimate SE z-Value P-Value
Sum Intercept 1.653 0.209 7.92 2.3e-15 ***
Species S.p. (M.s.) −0.840 0.257 −3.27 0.00108 **
Stimulus A (M) 0.645 0.160 4.04 5.3e-05 ***
Stimulus V (A) −0.640 0.177 −3.61 0.00031 ***
Stimulus M (V) −0.006 0.197 −0.03 0.9777
Call White Intercept 1.418 0.226 6.27 3.7e-10 ***
Species S.p. (M.s.) −1.521 0.485 −3.14 0.0017 **
Stimulus A (M) 0.332 0.317 1.05 0.2953
Stimulus V (A) −0.727 0.533 −1.36 0.1731
Stimulus M (V) 0.395 0.533 0.74 0.4583
Species S.p. (M.s.): Stimulus A (M) 1.042 0.899 1.16 0.2462
Species S.p. (M.s.): Stimulus V (A) −12.326 238.290 −0.05 0.9587
Species S.p. (M.s.): Stimulus M (V) 11.284 238.290 0.05 0.9622
Dark Intercept 0.762 0.465 1.64 0.1
Species S.p. (M.s.) −3.045 0.731 −4.17 3.1e-05 ***
Tap Intercept 0.953 0.858 1.11 0.267
Species S.p. (M.s.) −1.334 0.827 −1.61 0.107
Stimulus A (M) 1.019 0.598 1.71 0.088
Stimulus V (A) −0.951 0.476 −2.00 0.046 *
Stimulus M (V) −0.069 0.697 −0.10 0.922
Foot flag S. parvus Intercept 0.788 0.178 4.43 9.3e-06 ***
Stimulus A (M) 0.583 0.302 1.93 0.0540
Stimulus V (A) −0.859 0.323 −2.66 0.0079 **
Stimulus M (V) 0.277 0.360 0.77 0.442

Estimates are given relative to the intercept. Significant differences between species (Micrixalus saxicola (M.s.), Staurois parvus (S.p)) and/or stimuli (acoustic (A), visual (V) and multimodal (M)) in the frequency of single behavioral responses (call, tap, foot flag) or their sum are marked with asterisks.