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. 2013 Jan 29;8(1):e55039. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0055039

Figure 1. Migration of neuronal precursors in the ischemic striatum occurs along blood vessels and involves astrocytes.

Figure 1

A, Dcx immunoreactivity in the ipsilateral (right) and contralateral (left) striatum 2 weeks post-MCAo showing the presence of neuronal precursors in ischemic areas (right). In ischemic area, Dcx+ neuroblasts are found as individual cells (B) or are assembled in chains (C) or clusters (D). E,F, Dcx+ neuroblasts (E) and GFP+ neuroblasts (F) are found in close proximity to PECAM (E) or dextran Texas Red-filled (F) blood vessels. G, Vasculature-associated cells were quantified by counting the number of neuroblasts within 3 µm of blood vessels. H, GFAP+ astrocytes were abundant and enveloped the vasculature that physically supported injury-induced migration. I, High magnification image of the inset shown in (H). Scale bars: A, 200 µm; B–D,F,I, 20 µm; E,H, 50 µm (SVZ: subventricular zone; STR: striatum; CL: contralateral; IPSI: ipsilateral; wk: week).