Immunostained images of 30 µ thick coronal sections from median eminence-arcuate (ME-ARC) region of female rats in pro-estrous (PRO) and diestrous (DIE) phase, ad libitum fed (AL) and Intermittent fasting dietary restricted female and male (n = 5 each) rat brain. The DAB staining in the ME-ARC region for NPY is shown for AL and IF-DR female rats (A and B), PRO and DIE phase female rats (C and D), and AL and IF-DR male rats (E and F), respectively. NPY-ir was higher in IF-DR rats as compared to their corresponding control (AL) female (B and A) and male (F and E) rats. NPY-ir was reduced in DIE phase as compared to PRO phase in female rats. (J) Median eminence-arcuate region NPY mRNA expression was enhanced in IF-DR male and female rats as compared to control group; however NPY mRNA expression was reduced in diestrous phase as compared to pro-estrous phase female rats. (G, H, I, K, L and M) depicts relative intensity measurement ±SEM of NPY-ir, and mRNA expression performed by an observer blind to the experiments. *pValue<0.05. Scale bar = 100 µ (A–F).