Whisker-related patterns as revealed by cytochrome oxidase histochemistry. a, Cortical patterns for five rows (A–E) of major whiskers are present but not well defined in CxNR1KO mice. b, Subcortical patterns in the ventrobasal thalamus (VB) are indistinguishable between control and CxNR1KO samples. c, Row C whisker lesions between P0 and P3 normally lead to fusion of row C barrels (arrowheads) in the cortex and expansion of neighbouring barrels (left). Similar effects are observed in CxNR1KO mice lesioned at P1 (right). Whisker pad (wp), anterior snout (as), lower jaw (lj) and forepaw (fp) representation areas are shown. Scale bar, 800 µm (a), 500 µm (b) and 450 µm (c).