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. 2012 Dec 13;(250):1–76. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.250.3715
1 Pronotum with distinct lateral bead, broad or narrow 2
Pronotum without lateral bead or with weak traces of lateral bead 15
2 Male antennomeres simple or slightly modified: antennomere 3–7 very slightly enlarged (almost indistinctly), antennomere 3 slightly more triangular than other antennomeres 3
Male antennomeres 3–5 evidently enlarged 8
3 Beetle larger, TL-H: 3.9–5.0 mm, piceous 4
Beetle smaller, TL-H: 3.35–4.1 mm, reddish-brown to piceous 5
4 Beetle larger, TL-H: 4.8–5.0 mm (Fig. 24), male protarsomere 4 with large, thick, strongly curved anterolateral hook, apex of median lobe pointed and curved downwards in lateral view (Figs 10, 15a in Shaverdo et al. (2005) (17) Exocelina munaso
Beetle smaller, TL-H: 3.9–4.1 mm (Fig. 25), male protarsomere 4 with middle-sized, slender, evidently curved anterolateral hook, apex of median lobe almost rounded in lateral view (Figs 9, 14a in Shaverdo et al. (2005) (5) Exocelina atowaso
5 Beetle smaller, TL-H: 3.35–3.8 mm (Fig. 26), male antenna simple, male protarsomere 4 with large, thick, strongly curved anterolateral hook, median lobe more slender in ventral view, and paramere with strong notch on dorsal side and subdistal part short and large (Fig. 1) (18) Exocelina oceai sp. n.
Beetle larger, TL-H: 3.45–4.1 mm (Figs 27–29), male antenna simple or slightly modified, male protarsomere 4 with middle-sized, evidently curved anterolateral hook, median lobe broader in ventral view, and paramere different 6
6 Beetle dorsally submatt, with distinct punctation (Fig. 27), male antennomeres simple, median lobe short and with extremely strongly discontinuous (curved, plicate) outline, paramere with shallow notch on dorsal side and subdistal part elongate, with dense, long, thin setae (Figs 37, 46, 64 in Balke (1998) (4) Exocelina astrophallus
Beetle dorsally shiny, with very fine punctation (Figs 28, 29), male antennomere 3–7 very slightly enlarged, antennomere 3 slightly more triangular than other antennomeres, median lobe longer and without such a strong modification, paramere with notch on dorsal side and subdistal part short and small, with less numerous, shorter, thick, and flattened setae (Figs 2, 3) 7
7 Beetle smaller, TL-H: 3.45–3.7 mm, MW: 1.8–2.0 mm (Fig. 28), apex of median lobe elongate in lateral view (Fig. 2D) (24) Exocelina waigeoensis sp. n.
Beetle larger, TL-H: 3.75–4.1 mm, MW: 1.9–2.2 mm (Fig. 29), apex of median lobe truncate in lateral view (Fig. 3D) (12) Exocelina evelyncheesmanae sp. n.
8 Male antennomeres 3–5 enlarged, rounded, almost equally in size and shape 9
Male antennomeres 3 or 3–4 distinctly more modified in shape (triangular) and larger than other antennomeres 11
9 Male antennomeres 3–5 strongly enlarged (Fig. 4A), beetle dorsally piceous (Fig. 30), male sternite 7 slightly to distinctly concave apically, median lobe with very strong median constriction and proximal part very broad in ventral view, apex of median lobe pointed and strongly curved downwards in lateral view, subdistal part of paramere with numerous, dense, long setae (Figs 4C–F) (9) Exocelina edeltraudae sp. n.
Male antennomeres 3–5 evidently less enlarged (Figs 5A, 6A), beetle dorsally ferrugineous to dark brown, male sternite 7 slightly truncate apically, median lobe with weaker median constriction in ventral view, apex of median lobe different, subdistal part of paramere with less numerous setae 10
10 Beetle dorsally brightly ferrugineous to castaneous, submatt, with punctation coarse and dense (Fig. 31), apex of median lobe broader in ventral view, paramere with shallow notch on dorsal side (Figs 5C, E) (13) Exocelina hansferyi sp. n.
Beetle dorsally dark brown, almost shiny, with punctation less coarse and dense (Fig. 32), apex of median lobe narrower in ventral view, paramere with distinct notch on dorsal side (Figs 6C, E) (8) Exocelina bundiensis sp. n.
11 Male antennomere 3 much larger than other antennomeres, triangular (Fig. 7A), beetle larger, TL-H: 4.5–4.8 mm, MW: 2.35–2.55 mm, dark brown to blackish brown (Fig. 33), male protarsomere 4 with anterolateral hook very small (smaller than more laterally situated large seta), thin, and slightly curved, median lobe with very weak median constriction in ventral view and apex almost rounded in lateral view, paramere distinctly longer than median lobe, without notch on dorsal side, with relatively short, sparse, thin setae (Figs 7B–E) (16) Exocelina knoepfchen sp. n.
Male antennomeres 3 and 4 much larger than other antennomeres, triangular, beetle smaller, TL-H: 3.7–4.3 mm, MW: 2.05–2.3 mm, of different color, male protarsomere 4 with anterolateral hook thin or thick, slightly curved but larger than more laterally situated large seta, median lobe with stronger median constriction in ventral view and apex different, paramere equal or shorter than median lobe, with notch on dorsal side, setae of subdistal part not numerous, relatively short, thick, and flattened 12
12 Male antennomeres 3 and 4 more strongly elongated, more equal in size and shape (Fig. 8A), elytral punctation fine, coloration dark brown to piceous (Fig. 34), apex of median lobe almost truncate in lateral view, paramere narrower (Figs 8D, E) (1) Exocelina alexanderi sp. n.
Male antennomeres 3 and 4 less elongated, antennomere 3 larger than 4, coloration and elytral punctation different, median lobe with apex elongate in lateral view, paramere broader 13
13 Beetle dorsally ferrugineous, submatt, with coarse punctuation (Fig. 35), male protarsomere 4 with anterolateral hook thin (Fig. 9B), median lobe and paramere as in Figs 9C–E (2) Exocelina anggiensis sp. n.
Beetle dorsally brown to piceous, shiny, with distinctly finer punctation, male protarsomere 4 with anterolateral hook thin or thick, median lobe and paramere different 14
14 Beetle dorsally piceous, with elytral punctation fine but distinct (Fig. 36), male protarsomere 4 with thick anterolateral hook (Fig. 10B), median lobe and paramere as in Figs 10C–E (3) Exocelina arfakensis sp. n.
Beetle dorsally brown, with elytral punctation almost invisible (Fig. 37), male protarsomere 4 with thin anterolateral hook (Fig. 11B), median lobe and paramere as in Figs 11C–E (19) Exocelina polita
15 Male antennomeres 3 and 4 strongly enlarged, 5 less enlarged, and 2, 6–9 slightly enlarged 16
Male antennomeres simple or antennomeres 3–10 slightly enlarged (stout) 17
16 Beetle reddish-brown to brown (Fig. 38), male antenna and protarsomeres 4–5 as in Figs 12A, B, apex of median lobe symmetrical in ventral view (Fig. 12C) and paramere as in Fig. 12E (14) Exocelina irianensis sp. n.
Beetle dark brown to piceous (Fig. 39), male antenna and protarsomeres 4–5 as in Figs 13A, B, apex of median lobe asymmetrical in ventral view (Fig. 13C) and paramere as in Fig. 13E (26) Exocelina wondiwoiensis sp. n.
17 Sternite 7 slightly or strongly concave apically, median lobe long, with very weak submedian constriction and narrow apex in ventral view, paramere large, with strong notch on dorsal side and subdistal part very broad, subquadrate (Figs 14C–F) (23) Exocelina utowaensis sp. n.
Sternite 7 broadly rounded or truncate apically, median lobe distinctly shorter, paramere smaller, with weaker notch on dorsal side and subdistal part small and short or elongate (e.g. Figs 16E, 15E) 18
18 Apex of median lobe bifid: with small dorsal extension (Figs 15C, D) (6) Exocelina bifida sp. n.
Apex of median lobe not bifid 19
19 Beetle larger, TL-H: 3.4–3.7 mm, MW: 1.75–1.95 mm (Fig. 42), apical part of median lobe very broad in ventral view and slightly flattened in lateral view, paramere with subdistal part small and short, with not numerous, relatively short, thick, and flattened setae (Figs 16C–E) (10) Exocelina ekari sp. n.
Beetle smaller, TL-H: 3.0–3.5 mm, MW: 1.6–1.8 mm, apical part of median lobe narrower in ventral view and not flattened in lateral view, paramere with subdistal part small and short or elongate, setation different 20
20 Median lobe slender, especially its apical part, with very weak submedian constriction in ventral view, paramere with subdistal part small and short, with not numerous, relatively short, thick, flattened, slightly curved at apex setae (Figs 17C–E) (25) Exocelina weylandensis sp. n.
Median lobe more robust, with stronger submedian constriction in ventral view, paramere with subdistal part small and short or elongate, setation different 21
21 Male protarsomere 4 with middle-sized, slender anterolateral hook (Figs 18B, 19B) 22
Male protarsomere 4 with large, thick, strongly curved anterolateral hook (Figs 20B, 21B, 22B, 23B) 23
22 Prosternal ridge evidently rounded and smooth, male antenna stout, median lobe with apex elongate in lateral view and submedian constriction weaker in ventral view, paramere with notch on dorsal side and subdistal part short and small, with large brush of thick, somewhat flattend, long, curved at apex setae (Figs 18A, C–E) (21) Exocelina soppi sp. n.
Prosternal ridge anteriorly evidently less rounded and smooth, male antenna simple, median lobe with apex truncate in lateral view and submedian constriction stronger in ventral view, paramere with shallow notch on dorsal side and subdistal part elongate, with strong tuft of thicker, somewhat flattend, and strongly curved at apex setae (Figs 19A, C–E) (20) Exocelina pseudosoppi sp. n.
23 Subdistal part of paramere with two kinds of setae: thin upper setae and thick and flattened lower setae, proximal part of paramere with sparse setae (Figs 20E, 21E) 24
Subdistal part of paramere only with thin setae, proximal part of paramere with dense setae (Figs 22E, 23E) 25
24 Male antennomeres 3–10 stout, median lobe shorter, its apex broader in ventral view and slightly elongate in lateral view, subdistal part of paramere with upper setae less numerous and lower setae long, thick, flattend, and curved at apex (Figs 20A, C–E) (11) Exocelina eme sp. n.
Male antennomeres simple, median lobe longer, its apex narrower in ventral view and almost truncate in lateral view, subdistal part of paramere with upper setae more numerous and lower setae shorter, thicker, and flattend (Figs 21A, C–E) (7) Exocelina brahminensis sp. n.
25 Male antennomeres simple, median lobe with apex almost truncate in lateral view and submedian constriction stronger in ventral view, paramere with setae of proximal part longer, thicker, distinctly visible (Figs 22A, C–E) (15) Exocelina kakapupu sp. n.
Male antennomeres 3–10 stout, median lobe with apex elongate in lateral view and submedian constriction weaker in ventral view, paramere with setae of proximal part shorter, thiner, often hardly visible (Figs 23A, C–E) (22) Exocelina unipo sp. n.