The Drosophila nephrocyte combines podocyte filtration with renal proximal tubule protein reabsorption using conserved molecules and similar subcellular structures. Essential molecules and subcellular structures involved in filtration and protein reabsorption in (A) Drosophila nephrocytes and (B) the mammalian glomerulus and renal proximal tubules are shown. Ultrafiltration is indicated by long dotted arrows, and protein reabsorption is shown by short dotted arrows. BM, basement membrane; ND, nephrocyte diaphragm; CCV, clatherin-coated vesicles; EE, early endosome; LE, late endosome; RE, recycling endosome; FEC, fenestrated endothelium cell; GBM, glomerular basement membrane; SD, slit diaphragm.