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. 2013 Jan 30;8(1):e52813. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0052813

Table 1. Foraging range and distance estimates for six immature African white-backed vultures.

Foraging range area estimates (km2) Distance estimates (km)
Vulture ID Tracking period (days) GPS locations 100% MCP 95% KDE 50% KDE Path GCR Core GCR Total distance travelled Mean (± SE) distance between consecutive locations Maximum distance travelled/day Mean (± SE) total distance travelled/day
AG330 301 896 144,568 125,861 29,714 59,400 5,700 7,699.03 8.60±0.61 183.90 25.84±2.04
AG331 313 935 155,301 145,854 28,044 89,800 11,400 15,293.49 16.37±0.83 267.43 48.86±2.59
AG350 300 898 124,492 47,132 8,825 43,100 4,200 11,273.75 12.57±0.67 241.63 37.58±2.23
AG356 226 680 332,451 342,413 34,967 44,900 2,300 5,032.54 7.41±0.62 171.22 22.27±2.13
AG032 206 616 588,705 582,795 122,465 74,500 4,000 8,453.76 13.75±1.01 223.48 41.04±2.95
AG332 101 301 439,520 765,483 132,662 28,400 2,700 2,502.17 8.34±1.14 160.17 24.77±3.94

MCPs including all recorded GPS locations (100% MCP), 95% contours from kernel density estimation (KDE), and path grid cell ranges (GCRs) represent overall foraging ranges. 50% KDE contours and core GCRs represent core foraging ranges. Total distances travelled during total tracking periods, mean (± SE) distances between consecutive GPS locations, maximum and mean (± SE) total distances travelled per day are shown for each vulture. The tracking period and number of GPS locations recorded are also shown.