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. 2013 Jan 23;14:24. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-14-24

Table 3.

Linguistic test battery of RATS-3

General communication tests
- ANELT-A: communicative functioning in daily life [7];
- Semi-standardised interview for spontaneous speech rated with Goodglass Aphasia Severity Rating Scale [22];
- Sabadel: connected speech [27];
- ScreeLing: screening of three linguistic components: semantics, phonology and syntax [28];
- Token Test, short version: measures severity of aphasia [21];
- Boston Naming Test: identifies word finding difficulties [29].
Specific semantic tests
- Semantic Association Test, verbal version (SAT) [30];
- Comprehensive Aphasia Test, word comprehension (CAT) [31];
- Semantic Word Fluency [32].
Specific phonological tests
- Nonword repetition, PALPA [33];
- Auditory Lexical Decision, PALPA [33];
- Letter Fluency [34].
- Barthel Index: activities of daily life [23];
- Multi-Axial Aphasia System (MAAS) [24];
- Partner ANELT: partner’s perspective on the patient’s communicative functioning [35];
- Self evaluation of communicative functioning on a 0 to10 scale;
- EuroQol: quality of life [36];
- Modified Rankin Scale: activities of daily life [37].