A. Representative traces showing AMPA receptor medicated currents in response to synaptic stimulation in presence of the NMDA receptor blocker (d-AP5, 100 μM). Traces were obtained at holding currents of −60 mV to +40 mV, in 20 mV steps. The scales represent 100 pA and 30 ms respectively (n=6).
B. Peak I/V relationship of wild-type (◯) and PIKE −/− (●) neurons.
C. Bar graph showing the rectification index in (B). The rectification index was calculated by the traces at the holding potentials of −60, 0, +40 mV using the following formula: RI = [(I+40 − I0)/ (I0 − I−70)] × 3/2 (**: P<0.01, Student's t-test, n=6).