Figure 3.
Effect of ethylene on bolting time. A, The left panel shows representative images of ethylene-response mutant plants at 25 d of Arabidopsis growth on M/S medium without ACC treatment. The right panel shows that the ethylene production precursor ACC delayed bolting time in wild-type Arabidopsis. None indicates M/S medium only; 1 µm ACC and 5 µm ACC indicate M/S medium supplemented with 1 and 5 µm ACC, respectively; AOA represents M/S medium supplemented with 100 µm AOA; AOA = 1 µm ACC and AOA = 5 µm ACC indicate M/S medium supplemented with 100 µm AOA and 1 and 5 µm ACC, respectively. ***P < 0.001 when compared between treatments. B, Bolting time of mutant plants that were grown on M/S medium with different treatments. N, M/S medium (untreated); E, M/S medium supplemented with 5 µm ACC (ACC treated); O, M/S medium supplemented with 100 µm AOA (AOA treated); OE, M/S medium supplemented with both 100 µm AOA and 5 µm ACC (AOA+ACC treated). *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001 in comparison with Col-0 by Student’s t test. Both ethylene-response mutant ctr1-1 and ERF110 RNAi lines exhibited a delayed-bolting phenotype after ACC treatment. [See online article for color version of this figure.]