Table 3.
Implications of approaches to guideline implementation that differ by onus of responsibility
Implications |
Responsibility |
Developers | Intermediaries | Users | |
Pros |
· Continuity with development |
· Multiple mechanisms/roles: |
· User demand for instructions and tools |
· There is no one else to implement guidelines |
○ Advise on tailoring of implementation |
· Lasting effect because instructions and tools always available once developed |
○ Influence peers as champions |
· Feasible (easier, faster, least costly) so could be widely adopted |
○ Assist with implementation | |||
Cons | · Insufficient resources are available with which to build capacity |
· Clinicians most suitable intermediaries but not likely to volunteer |
· Users have limited time to look at more information in guidelines |
· Better to engage users in development and implementation | · Resources needed to identify, compensate, train, and support them | · Resources needed to develop instructions and tools |