Regulation of AGS3-Rluc-Gαi1-YFP BRET by Ric-8A in the neuronal catecholaminergic cell line (CAD). AGS3-Rluc (10 ng) was expressed together with Gαi1-YFP and Ric-8A as indicated, and BRET was measured as described under “Experimental Procedures.” Data are presented as the mean ± S.E. from three experiments with triplicate determinations. *, p < 0.05 compared with their control. Inset, data are presented as the percentage of control values (cells expressing only AGS3-Rluc and Gαi1-YFP). Results are expressed as the mean ± S.E. of four independent experiments with triplicate determinations. RFU values for control cells transfected with 10 ng of phRluc::AGS3 and 50, 100, 250, and 500 ng of pcDNA3::Gαi1-YFP were 21,969 ± 2,231, 24,097 ± 1,598, 35,383 ± 2,472, and 49,359 ± 4,926, respectively. RFU values at each level of transfected pcDNA3::Gαi1-YFP were significantly different (p < 0.05) from the corresponding control value with the exception of the RFU values for pcDNA3-Gαi1-YFP (50 ng), pcDNA3::Ric-8A (200 and 500 ng).