Nuclear ΔEGFR promotes an aggressive oncogenic phenotype in glioma cells. A, effect of ΔEGFR and the mutants on anchorage-independent colony formation of U87 cells. (***), comparison between U87–1726zeo and other cell lines. [***], comparison between U87-ΔEGFR and other cell lines. ***, p < 0.001; ns, not significant; n = 3 ± S.E.; at least triplicate samples/experiment. AUC, area under the curve. B, Kaplan-Meier survival curves for mice (10 animals/group) injected intracranially with U87-ΔEGFR, U87-ΔEGFR-NES, and U87-ΔEGFR-NLS1 cells. Lines for U87-ΔEGFR-NLS2 and U87-ΔEGFR-SV that were not significantly different from the U87 control are omitted for clarity. C, median survival times for mice carrying U87-ΔEGFR and the mutants. Statistical significance was assessed by log-rank test. D, median survival times for mice carrying U87-ΔEGFR and the mutants in a repeat experiment (10 animals/group). Statistical significance was assessed by log-rank test. E, median survival times for mice carrying U87-ΔEGFR and the NLS mutants (8 animals/group). Statistical significance was assessed by log-rank test.