CnAβ−/− mice are hyperlipidemic. A–J, levels of triglyceride (A and F), cholesterol (B and G), free fatty acids (FFA) (C and H), glucose (D and I), and insulin (E and J) of 12-week-old (A–E) and 8-week-old (F–J) CnAβ−/− and CnAβ+/+ mice (n = 10) were determined after a 16-h overnight fast. K and L, pooled serum isolated from five fasted CnAβ−/− or CnAβ+/+ mice were fractionated by FPLC and analyzed for triglyceride (K) and cholesterol (L) content in their lipoproteins. *, p < 0.05; #, p < 0.005.