Fig. 6.
Graphic representation of real time PCR data illustrating effects of cis-perturbations on the output (mRNA/incorporated gene) of co injected late module reporters. The output profile from the intact late module reporter D-G-P36-rfp (black), sampled from 20–68hpf, serves as a highly reproducible assay of late module expression. The intact late module reporter shows a strong increase in output after PMC ingression and achieves a peak sometime during gastrulation. A time point representing Peak Output is obtained by sampling at regular intervals between 20 and 48 hrs. Here, samples from 44hpf are used for comparisons of relative expression. The output of D-Gdel1-P36-gfp (gray), the co-injected late module reporter with the Gcm site deletion, typically shows a normal initial output increase. However, relative expression is consistently weaker at Peak Output, here 54% at 44hpf. The relative expression of D-Gm7-P36-gfp (white), the late module reporter with the Six1 site mutated, is consistently low at all stages assayed, here showing a typical result with just 25% of the control Peak Output.