Figure 6. Neutralizing interleukin-6 reduces tumor progression in Nod2- and RIP2-deficient mice.
Five days after AOM administration (at 8 mg/kg) SH-WT (n = 5), SH-Nod2–/– (n = 5), and SH-RIP2–/– (n = 4) mice were exposed to 4 cycles of DSS, which consisted of 5 days separated by a 7-day period of regular water. An interleukin-6 receptor antibody (αIL-6R) (1 mg per mouse i.p.) was given once a week from day 31 to 56 or not to AOM-exposed mice. (A) Endoscopic and (B) macroscopic evaluation of mice was performed at day 55 and 56, respectively. (C) Colonic transcript levels of Reg3b, Reg3g, Il6, Ptgs2, and Spp1 in untreated mice (n = 4) and anti–interleukin-6 receptor–treated (n = 4) animals are shown as determined by q-PCR evaluation at day 56. *P < 0.05.