Figure 2.
Comparisons of polι-APG ternary structures. (A) DNA substrate used for crystallization and the positions of bases. Numbering is relative to the APG template at position 0. Vertical dashed line indicates axis of 2-fold symmetry. (B) Superposition of APG-dCTP (blue), APG-dATP (pink) and a previous polι ternary complex with undamaged G (PDB: 2ALZ, grey). Domains are labeled and arrows indicate domain movement relative to the undamaged G structure. The aminopyrene lesion is shown with incoming nucleotides and metal ions (green spheres). (C) Positioning of APG in APG-dCTP (blue) and (D) APG-dATP (pink) relative to undamged G (grey). View is looking from top, down through the DNA helix. Black arrows indicate backbone DNA movement, and grey block arrows indicate APG base movement. Major and minor groove sides of the DNA helices are labeled.