Fig 1.
Flow cytometry reveals shape defects of CS315. (A) Histograms of forward scatter for cells of CS109 (gray-filled peak) and CS315-1K (black line). (B and C) Phase-contrast microscopy of cells from CS109 (B) and CS315-1K (C) cultures that were forced to elongate in the presence of aztreonam to accentuate shape defects. (D) Scatter plot of 50,000 CS109 cells. The gray box (P1) delineates the region selected for sorting and contained ∼40% of the population. (E) Scatter plot of CS315-1K. The gray box (P1) corresponds to the selected population in panel D. Cells were collected from this gate to enrich for mutants that had suppressed the shape defects of CS315-1K.