Fig 1.
Sagittal embryo sections. Immunostained for SPL protein, counterstained with hematoxylin. A. Wild type E12 embryo with ubiquitous moderate to strong staining throughout all organ systems. Scale bar 6mm. B. Wild type E15 embryo revealed mild to moderate ubiquitous staining throughout all organs. Scale bar 8 mm. C. Wild type E18 with a range of moderate to strong, more organ specific immunopositivity. Scale bar 10 mm. D. SPL knockout E12 embryo negative control. Scale bar 5 mm E. SPL knockout E15 embryo negative control. Scale bar 5 mm. h – heart, in – intestine, lat – lateral ventricle, lv – liver, m- mesencephalon, nt – neural tube, o – fourth ventricle, oe – olfactory epithelium, sc – spinal cord, t- telencephalon.