A, Paired-pulse facilitation was not different between Nse-Cdh1 cKO (cKO) mice and wild-type (WT) littermates. WT, n = 15 slices; cKO, n = 12 slices. B, E-LTP induced with one train of HFS was similar in Nse-Cdh1 cKO mice and their wild-type littermates. WT, n = 6 slices; cKO, n = 5 slices. p > .05 ANOVA. C, L-LTP induced with four trains of HFS was impaired in Nse-Cdh1 cKO mice compared with their wild-type littermates. WT, n = 8 slices; cKO, n = 9 slices. *p < .05, ANOVA.