Figure 6. Nse-Cdh1 cKO mice display normal hippocampus-dependent memory, but impaired behavioral flexibility as measured with the water-based Y maze.
A, Average percentage of correct trials of Nse-Cdh1 cKO mice and their wild-type (WT) littermates during learning and reversal on a water-based Y maze task. Each trial block is the average percentage correct of five trials. A dashed grey line indicates the end of training on day one and the beginning of the tests the following day. WT, n = 13; cKO, n = 11. **p < .01; F(12,312) = 6.82, ANOVA. B, The average number of trials for the Nse-Cdh1 cKO mice to reach criterion was similar to wild-type littermates during training on a water-based Y maze. WT, n = 18; cKO, n = 16. p > .05, Student’s t-test. C, Average number of trials for Nse-Cdh1 cKO mice and wild-type littermates to reach criterion after reversing the location of the hidden platform on a water-based Y maze task. WT, n = 13; cKO, n = 11. *p < .05, Student’s t-test.