Figure 6. Deficient LTP in RCAN1BAC-Tg2 mouse hippocampal brain slices.
A, CA1-LTP was reduced in RCAN1BAC-Tg2 mice. The reduction was significant for mice that had inherited the BAC-Tg from both parents [F(1,23)=8.218 P= 0.0087] and more modest for mice with the BAC-Tg inherited from only one parent [F(1,21)=0.6022 P= 0.4461]. The arrows indicate time and pattern of the tetani. B, Basal synaptic transmission at the Schaffer collateral/CA1 connection of hippocampal slices was not affected in RCAN1BAC-Tg2 mice (two-way ANOVA F(1,19) = 0.01114, p > 0.05 for mice that had inherited the BAC-Tg from both parents vs WT littermates; and F(1,18) = 0.00001, p > 0.05 for mice that had inherited the BACTg from only one parent vs. WT littermates ).