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. 2011 Jul 31;4(7):389–399. doi: 10.4066/AMJ.2011.722

Table 4. Probability of receiving TT injection before childbirth (marginal effects after a probit estimation).

Characteristic Model (1): All women Model (2): Married women
Maternal education: primary 0.02
Secondary 0.05**
Post-secondary 0.15***
Location: Rural −0.04 −0.03
(0.11) (0.28)
Region: East 0.01 0.02
(0.37) (0.24)
North 0.08*** 0.08***
(0.00) (0.00)
West −0.07*** −0.08***
(0.00) (0.00)
Wealth quintiles: Poorer −0.02 −0.03
(0.24) (0.14)
Middle 0.00 0.00
(0.94) (0.78)
Rich −0.01 −0.03
(0.39) (0.22)
Richest 0.02 0.02
(0.45) (0.46)
Religion: Protestant −0.02 −0.02
(0.15) (0.19)
Muslim −0.02 −0.03
(0.30) (0.15)
Other −0.06*** −0.06***
(0.00) (0.00)
Age Cohorts: 20–24 −0.02 0.01
(0.38) (0.60)
25–29 −0.04 0.00
(0.15) (0.98)
30–34 −0.08*** −0.06*
(0.00) (0.06)
35–39 −0.13*** −0.10***
(0.00) (0.00)
40–44 −0.10*** −0.06*
(0.00) (0.08)
45–49 −0.10** −0.08
(0.03) (0.13)
Mother occupation: Agriculture 0.01
Services 0.01
Blue collar 0.00
Electricity 0.05 0.08**
(0.11) (0.01)
Partner's education: Primary 0.02
Secondary 0.06**
Post-secondary 0.08***
Partner's occupation: Agriculture −0.00
Services −0.01
Blue collar −0.01
Observations 4,40 3,98

P-values in parentheses; *** P<0.01, ** P<0.05, * P<0.1; the dependent variable is the probability of a woman receiving TT at least twice before childbirth coded as =1 if received TT at least twice and =0 otherwise. Maximum likelihood probit was used during estimation