Depth resolution is determined by: |
Optical source bandwidth |
Optical source bandwidth |
Optical source bandwidth |
Tuning bandwidth |
Axial scan range is: |
Unlimited |
Unlimited |
Limited by the spectrometer resolution |
Limited by the optical source linewidth |
Dynamic focus is: |
Practical |
Possible but difficult at high speed A-scan line rates |
Nonapplicable |
Nonapplicable |
Sensitivity versus OPD is: |
Constant |
Constant |
Maximum in OPD = 0 |
Maximum in OPD = 0 |
Mirror terms |
None |
None |
Manifest if OPD = 0 is crossed |
Manifest if OPD = 0 is crossed |
Line rate determined by: |
Transversal scanner |
Axial scanner |
Reading the linear camera |
Tuning the swept source |
Maximum achievable line rate |
16 kHz (using a resonant scanner at 8 kHz) |
∼100 kHz |
∼300 kHz |
∼5 MHz |
Time to create an en face image of 500 lines each of 500 pixels along the line at the maximum achievable line rate is: |
Given by the time to produce a C-scan frame, 31 ms |
Given by the time to acquire a volume made from 500 B-scan frames of 500 line scans, ∼2.5 s |
Given by the time to acquire a volume made from 500 B-scan frames of 500 line scans, ∼0.83 s |
Given by the time to acquire a volume made from 500 B-scan frames of 500 line scans, ∼50 ms |
Time to acquire a volume of 500 × 500 × 500 pixels at the maximum achievable line rate is: |
15.5 s |
∼2.5 s |
∼0.83 s |
∼50 ms |