Figure 1.
Upper panel: S(Q, ω) spectra obtained from MD simulations on supercritical Ar at four selected pressure (density) and Q values, at 700 K. Lower panel: cL(Q)/cS ratio at the same pressures. The dispersions (dots) have been fitted to a cubic polynom for a better estimation of the maximum. The cS values have been obtained from NIST23 up to the density corresponding to 10 Kbar, and extrapolated above this density using the formula: cS(m/s) = 501.1174 + 0.17806·ρ(kg/m3) + 4.32538(10-4·ρ(kg/m3)2. We propose this extrapolation as, on the basis of NIST23 data for Ar at 700 K, it results that in the whole range of available data (from 50 to 10000 bar, (33.866 to 1506.5 kg/m3) the sound speed shows a quadratic dependence on density with very good approximation (within about 0.1%).