Figure 3.
Behavioral and ERP results from the Stroop task as a function of meditation practice. (A) Performance differences between meditators and non-meditators in a cross-sectional comparison (Moore and Malinowski, 2009). (B) Outline of the Stroop task. (C) and (D) Results from a longitudinal study (Moore et al., 2012) showing effects of meditation training on ERPs during the Stroop task for the N2 (C) and P3 (D) ERP components. The glass brain slices show activation differences between T1 and T3 for each group and congruency. Salmon-colored areas indicate a decrease in activation and green areas indicate activation increase. On the right hand side ERPs (line graphs) and ERP-component amplitudes (bar graphs) are depicted for left and right posterior sites (C) and for posterior central sites (D).