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. 2013 Feb 4;6:80. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2012.00080

Table 2.

Brief description of each motion correction procedure.

Procedure Method
1 Traditional motion correction: regression of BOLD data with six rigid motion parameter in pre-processing
2 The six rigid body frame to frame parameter were used as a covariates to generate partial correlation matrices
3 Same as Procedure 2 but uses FD as a covariate
4 Same as Procedure 1 but regressed the BOLD data with six rigid body frame to frame parameters
5 Group level correction: mean FD is covaried while cross-correlating connections across subject age
6 Movement matching: removed subjects to make sure there was no relation between mean FD and age
7 Frames having FD > 0.2 mm were removed (scrubbing). To account for temporal blurring one frame before and two after were also removed
8 This is combining Procedure 7 and Procedure 6 i.e., frame censoring and movement matching was done
9 Same as Procedure 8. Instead of FD > 0.2, frames were removed based on DVAR > 4, then the movement matching was done with mean DVAR and age
10 Utilizes a polynomial generated for each subject based on information obtained from Procedure 7 to correct for the effect of movement